Pretty White Lies
and the
Velveteen Undertow
Pretty Whites and the Velveteen Undertow is part fantasy, part horror, part romance. Utilising puppetry and shadow, stage fighting and poetic language it tells the tale of five soldiers upon a quest to destroy a creature despised and vile in an allegorical carnival of morality and folly.
cast size - 12 to 20 + suitable for upsized ensemble
“Come one, come all and prepare for the worst. A tragedy awaits full of terror and woe, of pretty white lies and the Velveteen Undertow. No ship larger than a schooner has sailed these waters and lived to tell, for the undertow has appetite for that which carries hubris on its bow. Galleons of Kings, Armada’s of Spanish Queens, not even the Empire’s Navy could withstand its dark olive power. Oh, they had been warned; o’er and o’er had been showered with omens yet onward they steamed, meat for the grinder as the undertow hungered, the undertow drooled, the undertow opened its gaping mouth and sucked, sucked, sucked each mariner’s soul to purgatory, naked upon the grave of a thousand ancient squid. All but one.”